ser-en-dip-i-ty noun : the phenomenon of making agreeable discoveries by accident

We are glad you made it to our web site… whether by accident or word of mouth! Serendipity Stables will be one of your best discoveries. The atmosphere is relaxed and friendly. We welcome visitors who are interested in joining our group of horse lovers who make Serendipity a place you love to visit and where there’s always something to learn.


If you would like to achieve credits at school for your Equine and Equestrian achievements, we have the time and program to help you at Serendipity Stables.

Contact us for information.

“My daughter has learned how important it is to take care of the horses and in doing so has grown into a more responsible and loving child. I can’t say enough about Dausha [Owner of Serendipity Stables] and the magical affect this place has had on our family.”

~ Melissa K-C

Children are not the only ones who get fussed over here. Adult riders – from beginners to advanced – are special, too. Lessons are for every age and level of riding ability. We have lots of horses to go around!

And if you’re looking for a terrific environment to board your horse, where they get the best care and most beautiful pastures, you’ve come to the right place.

Please explore our website and call today to stop by for a visit!